Taking the easy way

Things often come easily to me.

It makes other people, who often struggle with the same things, pretty upset when I can watch something be done and then perform the same task relatively adroitly.

This is true for simple physical tasks, things that are skill-adjacent to skills I already have, and things related to technology (which really falls into skill-adjacent).

If something doesn’t come naturally, I generally stop doing it.

I’ve said for several years now that I need to become really, really good at something. I need to learn it deeply.

I’ve usually assumed that this ought to be something I already have some base skill in, and then build on that.

However I find myself being overcome (in my head) with a desire to achieve a specific outcome. Something I can pay a bit of money to do to get what I want and have a token experience.

However, my (YouTube) mentors on this would absolutely laugh me to scorn, because of the shortcut.

And although they don’t know me (and I don’t truly know them), I respect that reaction. If I chose to engage in the shortcut, I would be “dipping my toe,” but expecting the same outcome as full immersion.

And the reality is, that’s wrong.

Yes, at the basic level, I’m truly only interested in the outcome.

But the reality is, I might need to growth and the struggle of developing the skills necessary to achieve the outcome.

It could take 2-4 years before I actually achieve it.

But wouldn’t that make the work and the effort worth it?

Wouldn’t the outcome be all the more valuable because of the effort put in?

Money certainly greases things and shows the easy way. But I’m not sure that’s really what I want this time.

I ought to take the time to develop the skills, even if it takes longer to achieve the outcome that I thought.

I might acquire them faster than normal. But still it may take a while.

And that’s not the easy way. No shortcuts.