Act first

men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

Doctrine and Covenants 58: 27

God lights the paths we travel.

But sometimes (often) we want that path to have glaring streetlights for miles ahead before we are willing to take the first step down any path.

And that essentially defeats the purpose of acting with faith.

Although God has promised sure outcomes, he often doesn’t promise the accomplishment of those outcomes will occur in any specific way.

Nor should they.

If we knew exactly the way things are to occur, then we aren’t able to act in faith.

Thus we should act, trusting the promised outcomes God has already given, even though we don’t know the path by which it is to be accomplished.

Acting first, without seeing the entirety, or sometimes any part, of the path allows us to do as the Lord commands and bring to pass much righteousness.