
From the beginning of our marriage, I’ve been aware I’m obsessed with the color green

It’s not my favorite color. Although maybe it’s become so. (If you asked me my favorite color, I’m not sure I’d have an answer for you.)

But it has been the color I’ve talked about the most.

Jordan was surprised after I went and scouted arizona housing that I didn’t think Arizona had enough green and Utah did.

“Utah’s a desert, it’s not green!” was a common refrain.

And then we moved back to Utah and she was surprised how green it was compared to Arizona.

As we’ve lived in Utah, we have (not consciously) attempted to create more green. Twenty garden boxes, various patches of plants, 40+ fruit trees.

Turns out, from March to November, they’re pretty much always green.

Winter and months surrounding it are fun, but less so if your only trees are deciduous.

So as we consider what our best move going forward is, green is on my mind. I want to live with green surroundings. Green trees year round. Green things undefoot as much as possible. Green and fruiting bushes, plants, and other fun.

And I want much of it to just BE.

Because what is flourishes.

Of course there is work that will go into such things. Especially where we choose to alter the existing landscape.

But over time green with dominate.

Am I pollyanna-like over my Edenic dream?

Do I actually want an Eden?

I want the sweat of my brow. I want thorns, thistles, briars, and noxious weeds.

I want to learn from them, and I want to overcome them.

My dream is not Edenic. My dream is greater.

It is informed. It is successful.