
That’s to be pronounced as “cold sammich.”

In a nutshell that describes my attempt to routinize my mornings.

A few weeks ago, I decided I would focus on doing the same exercises each morning, including walking up the hill my house is on, in an effort to return to some level of fitness.

I’ve been pretty consistent. It’s been good. Actually really good and nicely stabilizing.

Since early May, I’ve been taking cold showers–it’s just something I do every summer as a “I can do hard things” reminder to myself. When I started working out (probably should be in quotes, because it can really hardly be considered a work out), I figured it would be good to shower after it and before work as some sort of wake up.

In a state of slight crazy (or heavy crazy if you ask Jordan), I added a soak in the tub for 5+ minutes on the front end of the shower, followed by a shower with warm (or as hot as I can stand) water until I finish soaping up, and then a cold water rinse.

Cold sammich.

There’s some health suggestions that moving from cold to hot (or v.v.) is beneficial for long term health, and since I don’t have an ice bath (yet?) or a sauna, my alternate temperatures can’t swing as much, but I can still imitate some temperature swings.

But I like it. Playing with (in?) and becoming comfortable with cold is probably a good thing anyway and is always a good “what can I choose to endure?” thing to do.