Why be offended?

I say some stuff that apparently offends people. I don’t always think about every possible way my words can be interpreted. I can do better.

But why do people become offended at what I say?

I can’t remember the last time I was offended by someone (especially someone online). I stop reading if I get close, and ignore or block them.

But people say less than kind things all the time, and I don’t do the above. Why not?

I assume their intent is positive. I assume they are trying to improve me as a person. I might project that on them. But it’s certainly better to assume that for them than to create a wound and cause it to fester. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

I’m willing to tell that person what they said was hurtful, and I’m willing to lose a friendship if that discussion goes horribly wrong.

Being offended is a choice. Don’t be. And for the love of all that is holy, don’t be offended on behalf of others, if you do, you’re actively adding to the negativity in the world.

(There, I’ve gone and offended half the Internet. But I didn’t make that choice for them.)