My nightmares aren’t what they used to be

I woke up to a nightmare at 330 this morning.

The former CEO and founder (separate men) of the company I work for started asking me about my blog.

It came in the context of “what types of activities do you do that could be harmful to the company?”

Apparently my subconscious thinks me having opinions strongly stated and not always completely thought out might be damaging.

And discussion of my own mental state may also be problematic.

Although that’s not what I woke up to.

The follow up to that was me “discovering” in my mind my blog had been reviewed a number of times and was at 1.5 stars and the headliner review was “needlessly and pointlessly cruel.”

Well, I’ve definitely been less than complimentary about people in some posts. I’ve never named them. And only people who truly know me might be able to identify them (or themselves).

So that woke me up.

To my knowledge, there is no rating system for my blog.

And I wouldn’t read them anyway. This is my private place to scream onto the void about me and my struggles.

My nightmares aren’t the things of horror movies. My nightmares are me being identified as less than I aim to be, and having private things made a public spectacle.