Take the small wins

I think the answer to “Is it back?” is yes. I’ve had no real desire to do my job or care much about the other areas of my life.

I’ve pared back things that aren’t of critical importance (at some level keeping my job is, but I’m not in a place where I can function at the capacity I have in the past) and I’ve been trying to just get any win I can.

For the last two months, I’ve taken cold showers. This has been more about “Can I do it?” or “Can I convince myself to do it?” than it is about anything else. I’ve tried to do a little work each day on projects at home.

I’ve been relatively successful. We’re within 20 hours of finishing a 130′ fence in our backyard.

Job-work has been a completely different animal all together. A lot of my triggers are initiated here, and so I’m trying my best to manage. One of the things that has happened over time is a number of menial tasks have piled up. Renaming files, moving files to more obvious locations, getting data that a monkey can find on the internet.

But doing those are small wins. And I’ll take anything I can get right now.

Does it really move the needle for us? Maybe. Maybe not. But getting something done and being relatively useful is something I really need.

Repetitive tasks aren’t amazing most of the time, but right now, they are phenomenal, especially when I can ignore requests from everyone else.