5/30 (?) Keep the desktop off

What is the real intent behind keeping the desktop off?

Clearly not everything can be done from the phone. That’s 1000% true, although more can be than used to be possible.

It’s mostly to clear the head, slow down certain processes (I wrote a letter by hand for the first time in years on the flight here), and focus on things that need to happen.

I’ve been trying to focus more deeply (see Cal Newport’s Deep Work) so I can get important things done, and one thing that does that for me is headphones that block out all noise–especially when nothing is being pumped through them. (Or nothing more noisy than this amazing track.)

It’s tempting to always have something going through them, but that is not an ideal state for focus.

Overall it’s happening, and I’m doing fine at it, but there is a niggling desire to pop open the LOL client and play a game or two (or seven) on a lazy Saturday afternoon.