Are you around people who are making you your best self?

I doing research for a citation, I discovered I’d mis-remebered the one I was going to use, so I’ll switch to a less poignant one.

As a youth, by church suggested I make and keep good friends.

By necessity this requires a level of good judgment I was taught by my parents, and then as I aged and experienced I refined myself.

The outcome of this is I have very few people I’ve collected and treasured and kept as friends throughout my life.

However, the trade us the friends I have I would move heave and earth for, and the woul do the same for me.

Most of them, but the ones who wouldn’t probably need someone in their lives who do, so it’s ok.

The quote that makes sense here is the common modern wisdom that “you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with.”

I haven’t attempted to live this exactly, but I realize I’ve unconsciously done this most of my life.

I want to become a better person. When people enter my circle who won’t build me up, I don’t associate with them.

I let them go, even if it’s hard, I love them, or I have years of history with them.

I also gravitate towards people who will build me up and teach me things I don’t know.

I have a need to learn about serving others.

This recent move puts several people (who happe to be I my wife’s family) in my circle who have service as their number one priority.

I don’t live some of their other habits, but I can hold to good ones decently on my own.

But they have traits I need, and having them close will help m see those first hand.