Can you be right without being mad?

I think most people believe they are right most of the time.

I believe I’m right all the time, and I’m proven right often enough to not truly have to alter that conclusion

There are times I’m wrong, and I try to be humble and act graciously when that occurs.

But when I’m right, I usually want everyone that disagreed with me to acknowledge to me that I’m right.

Which is prideful.

And I often become upset when they refuse to acknowledge my correctness.

Which is also pride.

I should be confident enough to not need anyone else’s acknowledgement.

This is true for basic facts, formulaic conclusions, and emotionally charge miscommunications.

It truly doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks when I know I’m correct in a course of action or conclusion.

I should confirm I’m right and move on.

Holding on, or forcing corrections of erroneous opinions only causes hurt feelings and generates in accurate conclusions of superiority.