
A conclusion I often come to in the midst of my depressive bouts is “well, that’s pointless. It doesn’t directly relate to the thing I need to do.”

At some level, this is true for most things.

The purpose of life certainly isn’t to accumulate wealth, status, or something else that surely stays her when you die.

But then that makes pretty much the entirety of life pointless right? If we’re only here to be mortal and the die before moving on with the journey, nearly everything here not pertaining directly to eternal progression is a waste of time and pointless.

But we learn lessons from things that are not directly related.

We learn from sports to be resilient and to work hard physically.

We learn from social interaction while young to treat people well and realize they are people too, not things.

We learn from jobs how to lead and manage, even if the specific actions day to day aren’t eternal in nature. (I strongly believe accountants and undertakers will need new skills in a future existence.)

So is everything pointless? Probably not. But when it doesn’t seem to lead anywhere, holding on to purpose is a challenge.