Differentiating for learner readiness

There is a major need to differentiate education for learner readiness. This is especially true in business education and technology education environments. Not all children (currently) grow up with computer and Internet access in their homes. Therefore at the early ages, when computers are less familiar, a teacher will have to be more focused on differentiating for levels of learner readiness. A student who has used computers and smartphones practically since birth is going to be far more prepared for a intro to computers class (and should be allowed to test out of it) than is a student who has used Internet-connected devices only at home or at a local library.

Thus an intro computer tech course should have some type of assessment that determines at what level students’ understandings and skill are. And teachers need to have materials prepared that will help more advanced users learn topic in more depth (perhaps different instructions and requirements) than students who are just barely learning to use computers. Thus groups could be developed to help skills and understandings improve, and teachers can also focus on helping all students get to the same high level by the end of the course.

Having strong expectations of students and helping them develop to those expectations will empower them most to achieve and recognize their own achievements as they grow.